Our Top 5 Tips for Drying Wet Work Boots Overnight
Dec 15 , 2021
Tags - How to Dry Wet Work Boots Fast
Being on your feet all day at work is not the nicest feeling.
But it’s even more uncomfortable when you have to walk around in wet work boots.
Depending on the job role, some people are required to wear their boots for longer hours, which means they are more susceptible to certain side effects, such as blisters, growth of bacteria, foul odors and sore feet.
So not only is it uncomfortable and gross, wearing wet work boots will have an effect on your overall performance and safety at work.
Despite work boots being designed to be put through the wringer, they need regular attention and proper care to retain their protective qualities; more so if you work in wetter environments.
To your relief, there are a few easy and effective ways you can quickly dry your work boots before your next shift.
Before You Start
Before you jump right in, there are a few things you will need to do to prepare your boots for drying.
First, you’ll want to remove the laces as these can dry on their own by simply hanging them in a dry place; leaving them on can slow down the drying process for your boots.
Secondly, you’ll want to ensure that they are thoroughly clean; if there is any dry mud or dirt on the boots it could result in permanent staining once they have dried.
That’s right, you’re starting the drying process by getting them wetter, but it’s important to make sure the exterior is free of dirt.
To do this, grab some mild detergent and warm water and gently brush your boots off to ensure mud won’t bake into the textured surface of the leather.
Now that they’re nice and clean and ready to dry, here are our top 5 tips to dry your work boots overnight.
1. Use Newspaper
Using newspaper for boots, and shoes for that matter, is a tried and tested way to dry them effectively without causing any harm during the process.
All you need to do, is once your boots are clean and any excess water has been drained, pack the insides with balls of newspaper, ensuring there is no space inside them.
In addition, you should wrap the outer of the boots with thick layers of newspaper too.
Then, you will need to change the newspaper every couple of hours to help speed up this drying process.
As a bonus, this method will help your boots to retain their original shape and therefore last longer.
2. Use a Towel
This method is very similar to the one above, except it uses towels instead of newspapers.
Simply take the corners of a towel and stuff these inside your work boots, and then wrap the rest of the towel around the entire boot itself.
Similar to the newspaper tip, the towels will work to draw out any moisture out of the boots, but you will need to replace these every few hours and repeat until they are completely dry and ready to wear.
3. Use a Fan
Using a strong fan, you can blast fresh air into your boots for quick and effective drying.
And if your work boots are on the extremely wet side, leave your fan on overnight so the moisture can evaporate whilst you’re sleeping.
Usually, you will need a fan that is bigger and wider than your two boots together, and you should remove the insoles so they can dry separately.
For maximum results, take an old wire and twist it into an S shape, hook one side onto the fan and the other to lift up the tongue of your boots, so they can dry completely all the way through.
4. Use a Boot Dryer
Boot dryers are designed for this sole purpose: to dry boots.
Generally, the way they work is by the principle of thermal convection; the air which is at room temperature is sucked in and then transferred through the vents.
And this warm air eliminates the moisture from your work boots.
Simply pat down any excess water with a towel and then place your boots on the dryer overnight.
So, it’s a ready-made solution and an investment worth considering if you’re constantly working in wet conditions and do not have the time to do any of the above methods.
5. Take Advantage of the Sun
The sun is a natural source of heat and it’s free, so why not take advantage of it?
All you have to do, (providing that the sun is out), is simply place your boots outside on a clean surface that is exposed to the sun.
Then, the rays of sunshine will work their magic to evaporate any moisture in your boots, and kill any pathogens that encourage bacteria growth at the same time.
However, using the sun, especially during the colder months, can take a while; it’s not the quickest drying solution.
As such, I recommend you do not rely on this method every time - but it’s definitely an effective drying technique in the summer.
It’s also worth noting here, that too much sun exposure can damage the leather on your boots, so make sure you are properly maintaining them by using a moisturizing leather conditioner to prevent the material from cracking.
Final Words
To wrap up, these tips above are cheap, reliable and safe, and will help you prepare your bots for the next working day.
While it may be tempting to speed things up by using direct heat from things like blow dryers or heaters - don’t.
The reason being, is direct heat will cause noticeable damage to the upper material of your work boots.
Plus, it can affect the glue that holds your boots together, meaning they’ll fall a lot quicker and that’s the last thing you want to happen when you’re on shift.
Of course, you may need to use a bit of heat if you have no access to the above; if you were working on a campsite, you may need to use a campfire, for example.
In this case, you should place your boots at least 2 metres away from the fire to take advantage of the heat without causing any damage.
Want to know more? Get in touch with us today.
In the meantime, take a look at our full range of work boots here.
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