Our Top 4 Tips to Avoid Smelly Feet (Bromodosis)
Oct 20 , 2021
Tags - Tips to Avoid Smelly Feet
Bromodosis, or more commonly referred to as smelly feet, is a very common medical condition.
Feet produce a lot of sweat and they have more sweat glands than any other part of the body - 250,000 glands to be precise.
Throughout the day, these glands release sweat to help keep your body cool and skin moist.
Whilst everyone’s feet sweat, teenagers and pregnant women are more prone to it because their bodies are producing more hormones.
Plus, people who are on their feet all day at work, are feeling super stressed or have a medical condition tend to have sweatier feet too.
It’s worth noting here that the smell doesn’t actually come from the feet itself. It actually comes from the bacteria that lives on your feet and in the dirty socks and shoes that cover them.
Thankfully, there are a few easy ways to get rid of those germs and stop your feet from becoming a breeding ground for smelly bacteria. Here are our top 4 tips to avoid smelly feet.
1. Soak Your Feet
Thoroughly cleaning your feet means more than just rinsing them in the shower.
It’s recommended to soak your feet in a mixture of Epsom salt and water. Epsom salt works by pulling the moisture out from your skin and therefore makes it a less-inviting place for bacteria to live and grow.
On the other hand, you can mix water with either white or apple cider vinegar instead and then soak for 20 minutes - the vinegar will also prevent bacteria from living on your feet.
Please note, if you have any open sores, scratches or cuts, do not use vinegar as this can irritate your skin further.
2. Keep Your Feet Dry
Once you’ve washed your feet properly, your feet need to be completely dry before you put on any socks or wear any shoes.
The reason being, unpleasant smells come from moisture. So if your feet are dry, bacteria will not feel welcome there.
Furthermore, as the day goes on and you begin to notice your feet starting to sweat, it’s a good idea to carry a spare pair of socks with you that you can change into.
Speaking of socks, if you have more-than-normal sweaty feet, opt for athletic socks with moisture-wicking technology and avoid wearing ones from synthetic materials as these will trap moisture.
3. Wash Your Shoes
Generally speaking, you should not put shoes in the washing machine.
But, fabric shoes (like tennis shoes) or rubber shoes (like crocs or flip flops) are usually good to go.
However, if you’re not too sure, always read the care label and follow the cleaning instructions.
If using the washing machine is not recommended, and your shoes have insoles, take these out and wash them separately instead.
Then, using warm water and mild detergent, you can wash the uppers of your shoes while your insoles are getting a deep clean in the machine.
Once cleaned, leave the shoes and insoles to air dry and keep away from direct heat and sunlight.
4. Dry Shoes Between Every Wear
It’s not a good idea to keep your athletic shoes at the bottom of your gym bag, where they will stay damp and provide a happy, welcoming home for smelly bacteria.
Rather, give your shoes lots of air after each wear to ensure they’re fully dry before you wear them again - not just your gym shoes either, but all of them.
In fact, you should even remove the insoles in between wears and stuff the shoes with dry paper towels which can help speed up the drying process.
The Bottom Line
Whilst having sweaty, smelly feet is fairly common, it can make you feel insecure and prevent you from living life to the fullest (you may decline invitations as you don’t want to go somewhere you have to take your shoes off).
The good news is, smelly feet can easily be treated with daily attention. So follow these tips above to reduce or eliminate unpleasant odors very quickly.
The biggest takeaway: make foot care a part of your daily hygiene routine.
Please contact us today to find out more.
In the meantime, take a look at our full range of comfortable shoes here.
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