3 Common Injuries from Line Dancing
Aug 23 , 2021
Tags - Injuries from Line Dancing
Just as the name implies, line dancing is when people dance in lines to music.
Usually these are choreographed and include a repeated series of steps, performed in unison by a group of people positioned in rows and there is no contact with one another.
During the line dance, all dancers will face the same direction and in smaller groups, even if it's just one line it’s still considered a line dance.
Because of the repeated patterns and simple dance moves, a lot of people love line dancing because they don’t need to coordinate with a partner and it can be really easy to learn.
Generally speaking, line dancing is associated with country music, especially when it became really popular in 1992 with the release of Billy Ray Cyrus’ hit song, Achy Breaky Heart.
Today, line dancing goes beyond country, with pop, disco, RnB, hip-hop and more all developing line dances to go with them.
Like other forms, line dancing requires great foot strength and flexibility: performing repetitive movements can result in pain and achy feet which can resolve itself within a day or two. But sometimes, there may be something more serious, like injuries that need immediate treatment.
Here are 3 injuries you could get from line dancing.
1. Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are extremely common amongst dancers.
Essentially, any movement that forces the ankle outside of its normal range of motion can result in overstretching or tearing ligaments of the ankle.
In line dancing, any falls that cause your ankle to twist, landing funny on your foot after a jump, dancing on an uneven surface or even another dancer stepping on your foot are the common causes of a sprained ankle.
And if you have an ankle sprain, you’ll know about it - not only will you feel pain, but there may be some swelling and bruising in more severe cases.
To avoid an ankle sprain, make sure you warm up properly before you start dancing and always be extra cautious when you take your step if the ground is uneven.
Moreover, if you’ve hurt your ankle before it’s a good idea to wear an ankle support which will provide extra stability and avoid wearing high heels.
2. Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis is when the tendon in the back of your ankle, that connects the main mover for pointing for your foot, becomes inflamed.
As previously mentioned, line dancing involves repeated movements and if you’re constantly pointing your foot, overuse is the common cause of this injury.
In terms of symptoms, pain usually begins with a mild ache at the back of your leg and you may notice stiffness and tenderness, especially in the morning.
Usually, once the body begins to warm up it begins to feel better, but jumping can sometimes make it worse.
As such, ensure you stretch your achilles properly before starting your dance, as well as after you have finished to maintain flexibility.
Secondly, the shoes you wear during your line dance should provide adequate cushioning for your heel, which provides firm arch support and will reduce the stress placed on the achilles tendon.
3. Trigger Toe
Trigger toe is another common injury amongst dancers because of the physical demands placed on the feet. Especially in dances that require a lot of standing on the toes and a lot of body weight is pushed onto the big toe.
As a result of this stress, the muscle in the big toe becomes inflamed and damaged, making it impossible to flex in some cases.
At first, trigger toe symptoms can be quite mild but eventually, it can get worse and you may experience a sharp pain when lowering the foot from a pointed to flat position.
In more severe cases, the toe can even lock up and you may need to move it yourself with your hands - at times it may even click when you try to move it.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot you can do to prevent trigger toe, but good dance form always helps, as well as making sure to warm up thoroughly before every performance.
Finishing Words
From any of your performances if you feel any pain or discomfort that seems unusual, always seek medical attention. It’s always better to address the problem sooner rather than later to avoid any serious complications.
As always, try to keep your body healthy, allow for rest days and wear properly-fitted, comfortable shoes for every dance.
For more information please get in touch.
In the meantime, check our full range of Dance Heels.
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