Ankle Brachial Pressure Index and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Jan 20 , 2021
Tags - Peripheral Artery Disease, Ankle Brachial Pressure Index
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) test is conducted to analyse/investigate if you have Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).
PAD is a circulatory disease which occurs when the blood flow to your limbs are curtailed by narrow arteries.
Impact of PAD
In terms of impact, PAD affects proper blood flow in your body.
For instance, it gives leg pain while walking and increases the chance of getting heart diseases.
Also, PAD can be caused by collection of fat in arteries, a limb injury, radiation, genes (family history of having PAD), smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol and old age.
In order to specify, ABPI test measures the ratio between the blood pressure at the ankle and the arm (Leg Pressure divided by Arm Pressure).
Lower the ABPI, narrower your arteries are, which can lead to artery blockage in legs, hence less blood flow.
Actually, PAD is quite common. In fact, PAD is diagnosed in 10% of the population who are aged above 55.
ABPI Index
ABPI Index helps to identify which category you go under.
For instance, if the ABPI index is between 1.0 & 1.4, you have no PAD.
But, if it's between 0.91 to 0.99, you are in the borderline of getting PAD.
Further, if the ABPI index is less than 0.9, it means that you have PAD.
Symptoms of PAD
Symptoms of PAD include
- cramps and pain while walking,
- erectile dysfunction in men,
- hair loss on leg and feet,
- colour change in legs,
- unhealable sores in legs or feet,
- numbness or fragile legs,
- coldness in your feet,
- toenails growth slow down and
- no pulse or weak pulse in legs and feet.
You could wear comfortable, appropriate shoes to minimise the pain in legs and feet caused by PAD.
Further, PAD can be prevented by
- having a healthy diet,
- having blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure in control,
- not smoking,
- exercising regularly and
- maintaining a healthy body weight.
PAD is initially treated by following a healthy diet and exercising often.
However, if it gets severe, the treatment is then followed up with drugs and other treatments.
If PAD is not taken care of, it could lead to having critical limb ischemia, i.e. limb tissue death, and could cause infections and leg amputation.
In addition, PAD could also cause a stroke or a heart attack. Therefore, you have to be very cautious. .
To learn more, get in touch with us today.
In the meantime, check our range of comfortable shoes.
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