Plantar Fasciitis: Risk Factors and Treatments
May 31 , 2021
Tags - Risk Factors and Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis is when you experience pain at the bottom of your foot, normally around your heel and arch.
The plantar fascia is the thick ligament that joins together the front of the foot to the heel, and is responsible for absorbing shock as well as supporting the foot arch when you walk.
Consequently, adding too much pressure on your feet and causing this ligament to become inflamed, and thus when this happens, plantar fasciitis occurs.
Research reveals, an estimated 10% of people will experience this problem during their lifetime.
Typically, this pain is much worse when you start walking after a long period of rest; such as in the morning after sleeping.
Although the pain feels better during exercise, it can return during rest and you may also find it difficult to raise your toes off the floor.
Risk Factors
Some risk factors associated with this condition include:
1. Age and Sex
Adults between the age of 40 and 70 are more commonly diagnosed with plantar fasciitis.
And, it is diagnosed more among women compared to men, especially pregnant women.
2. Excessive Exercise
Every step your body takes causes the plantar fascia to expand and contract.
As such, repeated and excessive exercise can mean this tissue does not have enough time to rest and recover, therefore leading to strain and pain.
3. Foot Structure/Over Pronation
The way the foot is structured can affect how body weight or stress is balanced on your foot.
For instance, a person whose foot over pronates (rolls too much inwards), puts extra pressure on the inner foot and thus causes extra strain on the plantar fascia.
4. Obesity
For obvious reasons, being overweight adds extra strain and pressure on the heel and therefore requires more support from the plantar fascia.
5. Prolonged Standing/Walking
Extended periods of standing or walking adds extra pressure and strain on the plantar fascia, which leads to pain and discomfort.
In essence, those with occupations such as factory workers, waiters or teachers, are more likely to suffer with this condition.
Initial treatments for plantar fasciitis do not involve injections or surgery.
Most of the time, treatments for this problem can begin from the comfort of your own home!
These include:
1. Rest
As obvious as it sounds, you need to allow the plantar fascia to heal, and so you should cut back on activities where you’re required to be on your feet for a long time.
2. Stretch
Usually, plantar fasciitis becomes apparent due to less flexibility in the ankles and calf muscles.
With this in mind, gentle stretching will improve flexibility and can make the biomechanics of standing and walking less stressful for the plantar fascia.
3. Weight Loss
As aforementioned, excess weight adds extra pressure on the plantar fascia, therefore shedding excess weight will lighten the load and strain felt, which will overall reduce pain in the feet.
4. Shoe Inserts
Having special shoe inserts can help provide support and put less strain on the plantar fascia.
Regardless of whether this is an orthotic that covers the full length of the shoe, or just a heel cup, shoe inserts will cushion the heel and relieve pain.
5. Better Footwear
Last but not least, having comfortable, properly-fitted shoes are key in relieving discomfort from plantar fasciitis.
As such, shoes with soft soles and arch supports should be considered - remember, comfort over style!
For more information, please get in touch.
In the meantime, please check our extended range of comfortable shoes.
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