5 Ways to Avoid Foot Injuries

5 Ways to Avoid Foot Injuries

Mar 18 , 2022


Tags - Ways to Avoid Foot Injuries

Do you enjoy going on long walks or playing sports, but hate the thought of dealing with foot pain afterwards? 

Or perhaps you've been in a situation where you're deep into your exercise, take a wrong step and feel a really sharp pain. 

If this sounds like you, you're not alone - foot and ankle injuries are very common. 

Unfortunately, many people suffer from foot pain because they don't take the necessary precautions to prevent it. 

In this blog, we will discuss 5 tips that will help keep your feet healthy and pain-free!

1. Wear the Right Shoes

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it's very important! 

Wearing shoes that fit well and provide adequate support is key in preventing foot injuries. 

Avoid wearing narrow-bottomed shoes when walking or jogging, as this can increase the risk of falling and rolling your ankle. 

Plus, you want to make sure your toes are free to move; shoes that are too short restrict toe movement, causing crowding within the toe box and producing angular toe deformities.

If you have flat feet, choose a shoe that supports the front of your feet and the arch. The rear of the shoe should be solid, whereas those with higher arches need extra cushioning to help absorb walking/jogging impact. 

Lastly, be sure to replace your old sneakers regularly, as the cushioning will break down over time and won't be effective in providing support.

2. Warm Up

Exercise is great to strengthen all parts of the body, including the ankle joints. 

But before you start training, be sure to lightly stretch to warm up - and this means stretching your feet too. 

For instance, a toe spread will help to improve balance, range of motion and provide a more steady foothold. 

Or, arch stretches will help to improve flexibility and reduce pain in the arch. Other stretches include: calf stretches, calf raises, toe lifts and foot tapping. 

On the other hand, you could wait until the end of your activity to perform these stretches and instead, warm up with a brisk few-minutes walk or jog on the spot to loosen the muscles and get the blood flowing.

3. Avoid Uneven Surfaces

When possible, walk or run on flat ground; running or walking on an uneven surface raises your chances of ankle problems. 

Going uphill is a tough task, but you must gradually get yourself ready for the more difficult hills.

And, if you go too quickly down a hill, you may be in danger of tumbling. Running on uneven ground when the muscles aren't fully conditioned can lead to tiredness and an increased risk of injury. 

Choose a safe surface if one is available — dirt is softer than asphalt, which is softer than concrete. If you're training on uneven terrain with pebbles or difficult slopes, watch for obstacles such as rocky ground, tree stumps, roots and bushes.

4. Listen to Your Body

Sports performance is improved by rest and recovery

What's more, they assist to minimise the chance of foot and ankle problems. 

So, take frequent rests during your game to keep your body functioning properly, and schedule "off" days on the week so that your muscles may relax and mend. 

Plus, don't forget that water intake is key - dehydration also increases your chances of fatigue and injury. 

Finally, If you are experiencing foot or ankle discomfort during a specific sport, stop the activity or change it until the discomfort subsides. 

Also, if you have been hurt, you should go through physiotherapy and a training program before resuming to avoid future injuries.


If you do injure yourself, and the pain is bearable, you can manage your injury at home using the RICE method:

  • Rest
  • Ice: ice your foot/ankle for 20 minutes at a time, every couple of hours 
  • Compress: wrap your ankle using elastic bandage
  • Elevate: keep your foot and ankle raised where possible

If your symptoms still persist, schedule an appointment for an X-ray just in case it's a fracture.

Don't Ignore The Signs

By following these tips above you can lower the chances of an injury occurring. The body knows best so pay attention to it. 

Don't ignore the signs and if you are feeling any discomfort while exercising, stop immediately. 

For more information, please get in touch today.

In the meantime, take a look at our full range of comfortable shoes here.

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