Hip Hop Dance Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Jul 25 , 2021
Tags - How to Prevent Hip Hop Dance Injuries
Hip Hop is a very popular international dance style.
Originating from the streets of New York City, there are many different styles of hip which can be broadly broken down into 2 categories: Old School (from the 70s) and New School (from the mid-80s to today).
Generally speaking, hip hop dancers are at greater risk of injury when compared to other dance forms.
This could be explained by its fast footwork and acrobatic movements; the jerking movements can place a lot of stress on a dancer’s body.
Unfortunately, this extra stress can result in injuries in various parts of the parts of the body, such as the spine, hips, knees, and feet.
Dancers make their art look effortless, but a lot of strength and flexibility is required and once you start performing, you should be aware of the common dance foot injuries so you know how to try to avoid them.
Common Hip Hop Dance Injuries and Prevention
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis is when the tendon at the back of your ankle, which is the prime connector for pointing your foot, becomes inflamed.
During hip hop dance, it’s common to suffer from this injury because of the excessive training behind the dance - especially if improper technique has been used.
You’ll know you have this injury when you begin feeling pain gradually and if the area just above the heel feels tender.
Prevention: Make sure you properly stretch your feet and ankles before practice and any performance.
To put simply, the exercises should focus on reducing the force absorption by the ankle.
Trigger Toe
Trigger toe occurs when the big toe has been overused and it’s not surprising why dancers suffer from this foot condition more commonly.
One reason why it’s common in dancers is because of how much the big toe is put under pressure and then becomes inflamed or swollen.
Usually, the symptoms are mild to begin with but eventually, it will become uncomfortable to fance and you may experience a sharp pain when releasing your pointed toe to a flat position.
Prevention: allow your feet to properly rest inbetween dance sessions and before performing, male sure to properly warm up the toes, feet and ankles with appropriate stretches.
Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprains happen when you roll too far over your ankle or when you land on it in a rolled out position, particularly common in dancers when performing a jump sequence and landing incorrectly.
Consequently, this can be very painful and can cause the ankle to swell, feel tender and unstable when walking - let alone dancing!
Unfortunately, when the ankle has been twisted, lateral ligaments in the ankle become torn and is the reason why it feels painful and uncomfortable.
Prevention: to avoid an ankle sprain, you should always warm up properly before any dancing - make sure to stretch before and after and only wear shoes with the right support for your feet.
In addition, work on your balance and perform exercises on unstable surfaces to strengthen and stabilise the muscle.
The Final Say
Above all, dancers should ensure they have the correct shoes that are properly fitted and that are comfortable.
By doing so, you’ll be lowering the risk of causing an injury as your feet will be properly supported - plus, ill-fitted shoes will only add to the pain when an injury occurs.
Want to know more? Get in touch today.
In the meantime, check our extended range of Dance Heels.
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