5 Top Tips To Prevent Shin Splints

5 Top Tips To Prevent Shin Splints

Apr 27 , 2021


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Shin splints is a term used to describe the pain that happens in the front of your lower leg next to the shin bone.

Consequently, pain occurs when the muscle next to this bone is overworked or too much stress has been added.

Most commonly, shin splints will happen from physical activities - in particular running or jumping.

Luckily though, they can be treated effectively and here are 5 simple tips you can do on your own.

1. Always Stretch

Before any physical activity, it’s important to stretch out and make sure your legs are properly warm. 

So, gentle exercises such as calf raises, hip rotations, lunges and air squats can help your body settle before high energy exercises.

Additionally, the toe-drag stretch is great for your shins.

Simply, stand straight and bend both knees slightly - then curl one foot’s toes and press against the floor for 20 seconds and repeat.

Doing so, will make your shins and calves feel more flexible and ready to move.

And, if you have tight shins, it’s a good idea to spend some time after your workout to stretch too.

2. Gradually Increase Physical Activity 

It’s  important to avoid increasing the intensity of your physical activity suddenly - especially when experiencing pain in your shins.

Because, doing too much too soon can result in injuries.

For this reason, take your time and gradually increase activities and spread out the days in between to allow your body to fully recover.

3. Avoid Hard Surfaces

Where possible, you should try to exercise on softer surfaces to prevent your shins from absorbing too much shock.

Consequently, exercising on hard surfaces, like concrete, means the amount of force your muscles have to absorb is a lot higher.

As a result, your muscles will feel more tired, overused and thus cause shin splints.

Therefore, try to exercise on surfaces like grass or sand - especially when planning a longer run for example.

Furthermore, varying your surfaces will improve strength and balance, which can prevent the pain.

4. Invest In The Correct Shoes 

Wearing ill-fiited shoes could be the cause behind your shin splints.

So, consider investing in a proper pair that offers stability and comfort.

Also, you should change your athletics shoes every 350 - 500 miles as they will eventually behin to lose their cushioning - less cushioning means your muscles absorb more shock, which can cause shin splints.

5. Have Your Running/Jumping Technique Corrected

If you’re not running, jumping and landing correctly, then this could be the reason behind your painful shins.

Simply, technique is so important.

For this reason, you could reach out to a physiotherapist to ensure you’re exercising properly.

Moreover, they’ll be able to check which muscles are tight and weak and advise on how you can strengthen them.

Final Thoughts 

So, the next time you’re planning on exercising, whether it be running, jumping or anything else, consider these tips above to prevent shin splints. 

If after trying this at home and you’re still in pain, see your doctor who may be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to ease it.

Get in touch to find out more.

In the meantime, check our range of Casual Shoes.


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