7 Cold Weather Tips For Your Feet To Stay Healthy
Dec 18 , 2020
Tags - Cold weather tips for feet
It is essential to keep your feet warm and dry during cold weather.
This is especially true for people in high risk categories such as
- Raynaud’s disease
- Poor or irregular blood circulation
Research has found that, in cold weather, more injuries occur in the lower extremities (hip to toe).
Such injuries include frostbite, ankle sprain, broken toes and broken hips etc. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your feet during cold weather.
In this blog, we have included 7 cold weather tips for feet to help you out.
1. Clean And Dry Feet
Even though winter boots and wool socks help to keep feet warm, it also makes feet sweat more than usual.
This makes feet draw cold quickly, which may also lead to frostbite and having infections.
In such cases, use foot powder to keep your feet clean and dry.
Rather than wearing wool socks in winter, it is more advisable to use moisture absorbing (moisture-wicking material) socks or merino wool, which would keep you warm and absorb the extra moisture, preventing infections.
In addition, wash your feet daily and make sure they are dry before wearing socks and shoes.
2. Comfortable Shoes
When buying winter boots, make sure that they are comfortable and fit perfectly: not too tight or loose.
In particular, tight shoes could harm the blood flow (decrease blood flow). Andm feet would get cold and lead to frostbite and having diseases such as Raynaud’s and Chilblains.
In addition, the footwear should have a solid base, with laces and bracing heels, to stand stable on wet or slippery surfaces during cold weather.
Further, keep in mind that falls are more common during cold weather. Hence, it is advisable to wear low heeled shoes with a grip or traction sole to avoid falling.
Also, wearing insulated shoes and water resistant shoes are useful during cold weather.
Check our range of Water-Resistant and Water-Proof Shoes here.
Especially, when it comes to kids, avoid buying larger sizes in the hope that their feet would grow. Instead, especially for winters, buy shoes which would fit better.
Remember, it may be economical to buy big shoes for kids, but it may be harmful for kids in the long run.
Check our full range of Comfortable Shoes here.
3. Clean/Dry Shoes
When the shoes get wet, make sure you get them dry and clean.
In particular, wet shoes are prone to grow bacteria and fungus. As a precaution, have at least two pairs to alternate between and protect your feet from infections, one day to the next.
4. Skin Routine
In cold weather, air is less humid.
Hence, skin and nails become dry with less moisture.
As a result, dry skin could cause skin cracks and fissures, which are painful and cause infection.
Therefore, use moisturizer. Especially after shower, the skin becomes damp, so it would easily absorb the moisture.
5. Insoles/Socks
Change your socks daily.
As a further precaution, in winter, carry an extra pair of socks to switch into if it gets wet.
In addition, you can use foot warmers in the shoe, but consult your doctor before doing so, as it could cause nerve damage if executed wrongly.
You can wear foot warmers below your toes as insoles, or wear them above the toe if your footwear has a thin material like mesh, to keep your feet warm.
6. Activity And Circulation
Fast walking or walking around hilly areas helps with better blood circulation and elevate the heart rate.
Doing so, produces body heat to cope with the cold weather.
7. Get Help
Research shows that more injuries occur during cold weather.
For instance, if you think you’ve fractured or sprained your foot or injured after a fall, consult a doctor or visit the emergency services.
If you can not reach any of the medical services, follow the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).
Further, if your feet get really cold, soak it in lukewarm water.
It goes without saying; If you have been injured, always get help as soon as possible.
To learn more, get in touch with us today.
In the meantime, check our range of Winter Boots.
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