The Importance of Wearing Cushioned Shoes When Running
Aug 11 , 2021
Tags - Importance of Cushioned Shoes
Whether you’re an advanced runner or just starting out, every runner will need some extra support from their shoes from time to time.
If you’re preparing for a competition or looking to add extra distance to your run, shoes with extra cushioning will help and give you the extra support you need.
The right shoes are the most important tool any runner can have, but to have extra cushioning is often misunderstood and perceived as a negative.
In this blog, we explore the importance of wearing cushioned shoes when running.
Why Wear Cushioned Shoes?
When you run and your foot hits the ground, your foot goes through a rolling motion, known as pronation. This is completely natural and an important element in running biomechanics.
Arguably, this is our body’s very own cushioning system, which allows the tendons to stretch as the impact from the ground is absorbed, and then gives you the power to go forward.
Yes, this movement is natural - it’s how we walk, let alone run. However, the muscles in the feet have to work harder during a run to ensure they don’t roll inwards too quickly.
Consequently, if you do not train your foot muscles properly or they become too tired half way through a run, they will not be able to maintain their proper running function.
Luckily, this is where cushioned shoes come in and will be your new best friend to support you during your run.
Benefits of Cushioned Shoes
The American Council on Exercise reported that shoes with extra cushioning bring great benefits to runners. Here are the 3 top benefits:
1. Midsole Cushioning
The midsole refers to the area in between the ball and heel of your foot. Shoes with extra cushioning in this area can reduce the stress that is placed on the heel, ankles and toes during a run as it absorbs more of the impact, rather than the foot itself.
As a result, this makes running feel more comfortable and it’s safer as you reduce the risk of over-pronation and prevents injuries in your legs too as the cushioning improves body mechanics.
2. Prevent Injuries
As briefly mentioned, shoes with extra cushioning can help to prevent injuries when running.
Studies suggest that cushioned shoes prevent injuries that are from overuse, such as tendonitis, joint pain and stress fractures.
Argubally, running barefoot is better than running with cushioned shoes, but this increases the risk of getting cuts and scrapes - obviously!
On the other hand, cushioned shoes will provide the right amount of support and more importantly, protection from outside elements that could cause injuries.
3. Extra Arch Support
If you have flat feet, arch support is crucial. Especially if you’re about to go running.
It goes without saying then, cushioned shoes that offer extra arch support will benefit runners as this gives better arch stability.
At the same time, high arches means you have less flexibility in your feet and therefore, cushioned shoes can absorb the impact when you hit the ground, making your run more comfortable and prevent injuries like plantar fasciitis or shin splints.
When Should You Wear Cushioned Shoes?
All runners, regardless of skill level, can benefit from wearing cushioned shoes.
In particular;
- New Runners: As you start out on your new fitness journey, cushioned shoes will support your muscles as they adapt to the demands of running
- Returning From Injury: If you’ve been out the game for a while as you’re recovering from an injury, cushioned shoes will provide you with adequate support as your muscles regain their strength
- Long Distance Running: Inevitably, the longer you run the more your muscles will begin to tire out. As such, cushioned shoes will help to support your foot's rolling movement when your feet are too tired to do this alone
The Bottom Line
Hopefully, now you can see the importance of cushioned shoes and how they can support you during your run or any other form of exercise.
No matter where you are in your running journey, cushioned shoes will make the activity way more comfortable, meaning you should see an improvement in your performance.
Get in touch to find out more.
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